What is the Definition of Exit Planning?

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  • 3 mins read

What is the Definition of Exit Planning?

Exit Planning is the holistic approach to designing a business-exit strategy that provides you maximum value for your life’s work.

It encompasses setting Exit Objectives (When do you want to leave? How much money do you need from your business exit?  To whom will you sell the business?); creating an Advisor Team comprised of trusted, professional advisors (CPA, attorney, financial advisor, etc.); and writing down each aspect of the transition sequence.

The Professional

The Exit Planning Advisor is your Exit Planning Chief of Staff. With your input, the Exit Planning Advisor gathers information, assembles the Exit Planning Advisor Team, and offers a set of Exit Planning Recommendations. The Exit Planning Advisor oversees how your Exit Plan is built, much like a general contractor would coordinate the construction of an office building.


An integral part of the planning process is the creation of a Business Blueprint.

The Business Blueprint is:

  • A written document that can be reviewed and modified as your circumstances change.
  • A comprehensive list of recommendations that is personalized to your unique situation.
  • A template that your Advisor Team can use to build a unique Exit Plan centered on your wants and needs.

The Business Blueprint is a comprehensive, written document. It lists specific steps, in the form of recommendations, that you should take to exit your business in the most efficient and risk-free manner possible. The Business Blueprint is the culmination of an intensive discovery process, which includes learning your goals and objectives, thoroughly valuating your business, increasing the value of your business, and performing an in-depth review (and/or redesign) of any existing estate plans.

Your Business Blueprint will help you in several ways, including:

  • Giving you peace of mind, because you’ll know that virtually every issue regarding your exit has been examined and addressed by your Advisor Team.
  • Positioning your business for transfer, even in a poor market.
  • Sheltering you from risks involved in a business sale to a third party or a transfer to an insider.
  • Letting you keep complete control over your ownership until you are satisfied that all aspects have been addressed to your liking.
  • Addressing any concerns you have about legacy issues, if you are interested in keeping the business in the family.

Exit Planning is a proven method of allowing business owners like you to exit their businesses on their terms.


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